If you are into designer fashion purses chances are good you've taken a look at the huge number of Coach handbags and accessories listed on eBay. It's a great place for obtaining a hard to find matching wallet or replacement for your favorite worn out bag. It is a convenient place to shop and usually a nice savings comes along with your purchase. It doesn't get any better than this, minus that one burning question in the back of every girls mind. "Is it real?"
Without a doubt the biggest question when buying one of these bags is authenticity. Is it real or fake? You hear so many stories about the counterfeit products on eBay and with Coach being so wildly popular you have to wonder. Is it even worth my time to shop for these handbags on eBay?
The answer is positively Yes. When eBay was new it grew so fast it couldn't keep up with itself. The scammers got on and monopolized the designer fashion categories, particularly LV and Coach. Yes, it was bad. But it was years ago. Once the designers of these bags started threatening with lawsuits and making waves eBay took action and created measures to clean up the mess. And for the most part they have successfully done so. But people still equate those early beginnings with the present and it's just not true.
The truth is, it's actually harder to buy a knock off Coach handbag on eBay than an authentic one!
Still, caution must be used. Are there fake bags and wallets on eBay? Yes. Anytime you have a shopping venue that massive you are going to have some fraud to deal with. Basically, there are three basic categories of fake Coach sellers you would likely encounter.
The first is the innocent seller. These people do not regularly sell Coach bags nor are they knowledgeable of them. They just happened to find one at an estate auction or thrift store and know it's a popular selling item so they list it on eBay not realizing it's a knock off.
The second is the newbie internet marketer. These folks can be honest at heart but don't do their research. They find a "wholesale outlet" for Coach bags (there is no such thing) on the web and figure they will go into business on eBay. These bags are usually easy to spot and these sellers don't last long on eBay. They get shut down usually within a few weeks.
The third is the true criminal. These guys sell "mirror image" items, particularly Signature wallets and sometimes handbags. A mirror image is a fake with an almost identical match up of the real deal and almost always is a signature pattern. These guys are truly crooks who are buying from crooks to try to fool you. While the pattern in a photo may look authentic the quality is inferior. Within a month these types of purses or wallets will start to fall apart. But you don't have to go through that!
With a little research and effort it is easy to avoid buying from these people. The key here is preventative measures. While being able to spot a fake bag is nice, it's just not always going to be that easy online. To really stay on top of your online shopping game it's easier to spot a bad seller, or auction than to be focused specifically on the bag. This is not difficult and well worth the effort. With a little web research these bad auctions can be spotted almost immediately and you simply move on to the next. Remember, there are far more authentic Coach handbags on eBay than there are fakes. Still, you don't want to go through the ordeal of buying a fake so take your time and use a little caution.
Hello, my name is Ray Sherman. I've been active in designer fashion and eBay for many years and I know how frustrating being scammed on a fake bag can be. I'm particularly knowledgeable of authentic Coach products. So, how about some free authenticity tips for you? These are reliable, useful tips straight from my book "The Ultimate Guide to Buying Authentic Coach on eBay." I'm happy to share them with you and they just might save you from buying a fake Coach bag! Thank you for taking the time to read my article. Stay away from the knock offs and happy shopping! http://www.LoveMeLoveMyPurse.com
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